Beranda> Marketing / Pemasaran> Pemasaran Digital> Social Media Specialist

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Kosmetik dan E-Commerce. merupakan perwakilan dari perusahaan induk yang berkedudukan di China yaitu Ghuangzhouw Beauty Cosmetic, Co, Ltd. sedang membutuhkan karyawan bidang SOSIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Manage brand’s social media, mainly Instagram & TikTok.
Monitor social media’s performance from the contents published, its engagement rate, etc.
Identify latest trends in each social media and implement it into a content strategy to attract views and engage with audience.
Work alongside the creative team to develop fresh social media content in daily basis and being involved in end-to-end process of content making, mainly in the idea generating and copywriting.
Creating contents for social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Shopee video and Youtube.

Keahlian :

Able to be the talent for contents and a host for live streaming.
Required Skills: time-management, content writing, communication (verbal and writing) skills.
Possess broad knowledge and experience working with social media platform, whether it be professionally or personally

Kualifikasi :

Experienced in creating strong and engaging content on Instagram & TikTok with proven results such as FYP and high number of likes/comments.
Always be Up-to-date with social media trends, hashtags, and algorithms.
Comfortable and confident working in front of a camera.
Experienced in handling KOL & MCN.

Waktu Bekerja :

jam 9 s/d 17 Senin s/d Jumat
