- Beranda> Transportasi & Logistik> Warehouse> Staff Warehouse
Staff Warehouse
BekasiTipe Pekerjaan
Purna Waktu / Full TimeLevel Pekerjaan
Junior / Entry LevelFungsi
Staff GudangGaji
Rp.2 – 3 JutaHandling equipment, control incoming and outgoing goods with good management skill
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
1. Having skill in packing products
2. Know how to mark and labelling stock/ product
3. Tracking reports, including inventory reports (stock opname)
4. Stock organized
5. Controlling moving products (products in and products out)
Keahlian :
1. Good Communication Skill
2. Computer skill (Microsoft office, spread sheets)
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria, Max 35thn
2. Bekerja full time
3. Memiliki pengalaman
4. Di utamakan domisili wilayah Bekasi
5. Dapat bekerja dengan team dan siap menerima tantangan
Waktu Bekerja :
Senin - Jumat, Jam 8.30 s/d Jam 17.00