- Beranda> Administrasi> Administrasi Penjualan> Staff Admin
Staff Admin
BekasiTipe Pekerjaan
MagangLevel Pekerjaan
Junior / Entry LevelFungsi
Admin SupportPendidkan
Rp.1 - 2 JutaLantian Group will be releasing another entity and will grow up the business to touch new Big Customers.
We need passionate people to join on board.
Experienced is not necessary, People who loves learning will be suited Candidate.
See you.
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
1. Creating Quotation
2. Creating Invoice
3. Blasting email
4. Introduction to the clients
5. Helping Sales Team
Keahlian :
Can use our ERP, Ms. Word and Ms. Excel.
Kualifikasi :
1. Tidak merokok.
2. Bisa berbicara Inggris -> additional point.
3. Fresh graduate silahkan melamar
4. Mau bekerja di daerah Harapan Indah, Bekasi
Waktu Bekerja :
Jam 9 s/d Jam 5 sore
Tunjangan :
Jika mendapatkan order, akan mendapatkan Komisi.